대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

Additionally, when I visited a small village on the outskirts, a man call

ing himself the village chief brought dressed up young ladies and offe

red them up as a living sacrifice, which made me want to grab their

heads.Yes, even the great powers of this world, such as Moravia, reac

h this level of culture and knowledge when they reach the border.

(???No, since magic and demons exist, the demon lord may also exist,

just because we don’t know about it…)Suddenly, such an unpleasant tho

ught occurred to him, and Lekin rubbed his temples with his fingers to

relieve his headache.In fact, as it is a world where mythical beings such

as fairies and demonic beasts walk proudly, it cannot be said that this is

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

just an absurd rumor.He leaned back in his seat and let out a deep sigh.

I take out a paper-folded cigarette from my pocket, light it, and gaze f

everishly at the scenery of another world seen from the car window.

It’s already been 4 days since we built a base in this town. Today’s gr

oup will be the last to be transported to the home country.In the ne

xt few days, you will be notified to arrive at your next assignment.

I took out a binder with documents between it from my bag and flipp

ed through the covers one by one.The names of people are listed there

so tightly that there are no gaps, and most of them have already been e

rased with double lines.“This is the last of today’s seven people, huh? T

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 유성비지니스룸싸롱 대전정통룸싸롱

wo officers… … blacksmith? “Is that person even a magician?”“Can I see

that next time too?”“You can see it directly and directly. There, turn left.”

While giving instructions to the driver, he handed over another document.

After the second chapter, there is detailed information about each magici

an.Information siphoned from the surrendered city administrative agencie

s is listed there.(Phew… they are clearly managing magicians on a national scale.)